There are many nifty products that you can buy from your local packaging company that will go a long way toward making everyday tasks a little simpler. These items are not only excellent for packaging, but can also be used around the home or workspace.
Investing in a vacuum sealer, heat sealing machine or even a few roles of bailing twine will help to keep items organised and may even make other work processes considerably easier. This post takes a look at a few good reasons to keep some bailing twine handy at home.
What is Bailing Twine?
As the name suggests, bailing twine is the string that is commonly used to tie bales of hay together. Typically made from natural fibres, also called sisal, twine has a variety of uses, making it one of the more popular household items found in Australian homes.
In some instances, twine can also be made of UV-stabilised polypropylene (a type of plastic) which you’ll commonly see in commercial settings. Modern twin solutions are available in a wide range of sizes, colours and weights, each suited to specific tasks.
Useful in Many Ways
You don’t have to be a farmer to need or use bailing twine. Having a few roles in a range of colours will come in handy for everything from art projects to tying things together in an emergency. Here’s a list of the top reasons why you should add the role of bailing twine to your basket next time you go shopping.
1. Can be Used For a Variety of Different Applications
Bailing twine may have been invented to tie roles of hay and other types of animal feed together, but it has long since become handy to use for a range of different jobs around the home. Some of the more common things you can do with your role of twine include the following:
- Tie items: if you don’t have string or rope to tie something with, you can always opt for some twine. This is handy in an emergency and the only real criteria here is that the twine must be strong enough to hold the item you’re tying down or up.
- Hang water bowls on fences: It’s not uncommon to see water bowls hanging on fences around farms and even in the suburbs. This is a wonderful way to keep pets from knocking water bowls It’s also an effective way to ensure that your dogs won’t knock their bowls over when you’re not home. This method also keeps ants and other pests from getting into your animal’s water bowls.
- Secure doors: No one likes a slamming door. Avoid having to open and close your kitchen, barn or trailer doors while you’re working by using a piece of twine to secure the door. This is a handy way to keep a door open while you’re unloading a trailer or carrying things in and out of your barn. While it’s not a permanent solution, it will do in a pinch when you have no other way of securing a door.
- Useful for emergencies: Working in the field and your bootlace beaks? If you have your handy role of twine nearby, you can quickly fashion a shoelace until you reach home.
2. Can be Used in Extreme Weather
Another reason why you should always keep a roll of twine handy is that you can use it in any type of weather. The natural fibres make it naturally resistant to extreme weather conditions, which explains why you can leave your hay bales outside for months.
Twine doesn’t deteriorate quickly, making it a handy solution for outside jobs such as hanging flower baskets or tying things up. It’s also handy to use in your garden when you want to tie plants to trellises or even to other trees to help keep them upright.
3. Reusable
Quality bailing twine can easily be reused, making it even handier to have around. When you remove long pieces from your bales of hay or other places where you’ve used it, roll them up or place them in a container so that your pieces are easy to find when you need them.
4. Many Colours to Choose From
If you’re using your twine for work purposes, you may not particularly care about the colour. However, coloured twine is useful for craft projects, or in your garden when you want to create sections in your flower and crop beds. Use different colours to add a pop of colour to your hanging baskets.
Coloured twine is also very handy for wrapping gifts or creating rustic art décor. Many people also use their old and end pieces to weave into rugs or toys for their dogs. You can also use green, red, and brown twine to create old-fashioned Christmas decorations.
Final Thoughts
Whether it’s in your garden, workshop, or indoors, there are several ways that you can use twine either as a long-term solution or a temporary fix. It’s easy to see why so many people have a role or two in the kitchen drawer!